To b or not to b: is teacher workload and wellbeing a thing?
It is all well and good to sit back and relax. Take a load off. Chill. Finding the balance between work and family life is important. But, I think it is rather more than 'balancing' workload alongside family life. It comes down to one thing. Are you happy?
For some people out there, they are not happy unless they are going 100 miles per hour. Not in a car, but instead, working above 'the limit'. As such, we have been institutionalised as a society (it feels) that working 9 till 5 (Thank you Dolly) or the school hours (I mean... teachers only work between 9 and 3, right? Erm...) is the norm. That's the job and that's the limit. So what is that limit? Well, I am sorry to tell you that working x amount hours is not the limit. Working your contracted hours per day or week is also not the limit. Finding balance for each and everyone one of us in employment is not the job of the employer. Some people do not even like their job. Some do not even like to work. Some people love their job. The employer tries to keep the peace by trying to keep the peace.
Especially in this day and age, with workload and wellbeing often being discussed as issues affecting teacher recruitment and retention. Sure, certain aspects of the job as a teacher has changed in ten, twenty, thirty and forty years. But has it actually got worse for us teachers? Or have we just set our own limits on what we are happy doing and not doing. Yes, some will argue that the lack of pay and the rising cost of living is a factor towards workload and teacher recruitment and retention. There are also many other reasons to list to (most personal but some relevant to a wider audience). But ultimately, teachers do not teach for the money. I mean it would be great if a few extra quid was thrown our way.... Stay in Education, Protect education, Save Education. The new 2023 slogan (I can feel it catching)....okay, I'll stop.
Teachers teach because they love education. They teach because they want to help children to learn. They want to make a difference. Whatever the reason is that you started to teach in the first place, let that be the reason why you stay in teaching. Why you encourage others to join the profession. If you find yourself wavering at all, ask yourself why? You may list workload, pay and wellbeing as contributing factors to your diminishing outlook on teaching and education. But, I would like to suggest that you have not set the limit. You have not set the limit that will ensure you are happy in your job or outside of your job.
You have to ensure you are happy. First and foremost. If work is affecting your life outside of work, I am not strictly talking about time with family but more importantly, your mood and your character, then something has to change. It may be a bold change, such as looking for a new job. That job may be in a different school and it might be a chance to reignite the spark, your passion. Forever hoping and holding close, the reasons to why you started out in your career to become a teacher in the first place.
It doesn't have to be a big and bold move but whatever you decide to do, ensure you are doing it for you. Be happy. Be positive. Remember why you started teaching in the first place. Education hasn't really changed that much. History repeats itself. New trends in education are there. Education does not stand still. Education has always been about children's learning. Well, Education to me, as a teacher has always been about children's learning. I guess that is why I am a teacher. I am happy when I am sitting beside the learner and guiding them to learn. Everything else that teacher's deal with is part and parcel of the job. Find the right parts and parcels that make you happy. Set your limit. Set your balance. Ensure you are happy first and foremost in your job.
Work hard and play hard. Keep fighting the good fight. Fight for the education that makes you happy. Remember why you started to teach in the first place. If not, you may find yourself doing more than just thinking about moving away from your once cherished career. Whatever you decide, do it for you! Choose happiness.
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